Update records.

Request URL

Designate API v1.0

PUT /v1/domains/(uuid: domain_id)/records/(uuid: id)

Request Paramters

Parameter Value Style Type Description
X-Auth-Token - header string User Token
domain_id - URI UUID Domain ID
record_id - URI UUID Record ID
name(Optional) - plain string Record Name
type(Optional) [A/AAAA/MX/CNAME/TXT/SRV/NS/PTR] plain string Record Type
priority(Optional) - plain int Priority
data(Optional) - plain string Record Data
ttl(Optional) - plain int TTL(second)
description(Optional) - plain string Description
gslb_region(Optional) [JP/US/SG/AUTO(自動割当)] plain string GSLB Region Code In case of GSLB record, enter one of the following : gslb_region、weight、check
gslb_weight(Optional) [0~255] plain int GSLB Priority In case of GSLB record, enter one of the following : gslb_region、weight、check
gslb_check(Optional) [0:OFF/PortNo.] plain int GSLB Health Check Port In case of GSLB record, enter one of the following : gslb_region、weight、check

Response Paramters

Parameter Value Style Type Description
domain_id - plain UUID Domain ID
id - plain string Record ID
name - plain string Record Name
type [A/AAAA/MX/CNAME/TXT/SRV/NS/PTR] plain string Record Type
created_at - plain string Creation Date
updated_at - plain string Update Date
ttl - plain int TTL(second)
data - plain string Record Data
priority - plain string Priority
description - plain string Description
gslb_region [JP/US/SG] plain string GSLB Region Code
gslb_weight [0~255] plain int GSLB Priority
gslb_check [0:OFF/PortNo.] plain int GSLB Health Check Port

Request Json

  "name": "",
  "type": "A",
  "data": ""

Normal response codes

200 - OK

Error response codes

401 – Access Denied
400 – Invalid Object
409 – Duplicate Record


curl --include
-H "Accept: application/json"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-H "X-Auth-Token: 39be9f8d53044388b7f2e867eba8b140"
  "name": "",
  "type": "A",
  "data": ""
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 446
Date: Sun, 04 Nov 2012 13:22:36 GMT

  "id": "2e32e609-3a4f-45ba-bdef-e50eacd345ad",
  "name": "",
  "type": "A",
  "created_at": "2012-11-02T19:56:26.366792",
  "updated_at": "2012-11-04T13:22:36.859786",
  "priority": null,
  "ttl": 3600,
  "data": "",
  "domain_id": "89acac79-38e7-497d-807c-a011e1310438",
  "description": null,
  "gslb_region": null,
  "gslb_weight": null,
  "gslb_check": null