List mail services.

Request URL

Mail API v1.0

GET /v1/services

Request Paramters

Parameter Value Style Type Description
X-Auth-Token - header string User Token
offset(Optional) - query int The number of the transactions to start displaying with (Default:0)
limit(Optional) - query int The number of transactions for displaying (Default:1000)
sort_key(Optional) create_date/service_name/status query string Sort Key (Default:create_date)
sort_type(Optional) asc/desc query string Sort Order (Default:asc)

Response Paramters

Parameter Value Style Type Description
services - - list -
status active/suspended/pending/creating/deleting/error plain string Status
service_id - plain UUID Service ID
service_name - plain string Service Name
smtp - plain string SMTP Host Name
pop - plain string POP Host Name
imap - plain string IMAP Host Name
mx - plain string MX Host Name
quota - plain int Quota for Use(Unit:GB)
total_usage - plain float Total Usage(Unit:GB)It displays the number with two decimal point.
default_domain - plain string Default Domain
backup enable/disable plain string Backup Setting : enable/disable
backup_imap - plain dict It will be listed when backup is enabled.
1day_ago - plain string IMAP Backup(1 day ago)
2day_ago - plain string IMAP Backup(2 days ago)
3day_ago - plain string IMAP Backup(3 days ago)
create_date - plain string Creation Date
total_count - plain int Total Count
current_count - plain int Current Count

Request Json

This operation does not accept a request body.

Normal response codes

200 - Success

Error response codes

401 - Access Denied
404 - Not Found




curl -i -X GET \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "X-Auth-Token: 39be9f8d53044388b7f2e867eba8b140" \
HTTP/1.1 200 Success
Date: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 01:46:58 GMT
Server: Apache
Content-Length: 1003
Content-Type: application/json

    "services": [
            "status": "active",
            "service_id": "53044388b7f2e867e",
            "service_name": "testservice01",
            "smtp": "",
            "pop": "",
            "imap": "",
            "mx": "",
            "quota": 540,
            "total_usage": 100,
            "default_domain": "",
            "backup": "enable",
            "backup_imap": {
            "create_date": "2015-04-07T04:19:05Z"
            "status": "active",
            "service_id": "4oatx0v7xqd8b0au19yc",
            "service_name": "testservice02",
            "smtp": "",
            "pop": "",
            "imap": "",
            "mx": "",
            "quota": 540,
            "total_usage": 100,
            "default_domain": "",
            "backup": "disable",
            "create_date": "2015-04-07T04:19:05Z"